Incidence and prevalence of diabetes mellitus


Incidence of Diabetes Mellitus – the number of patients newly diagnosed and registered in the Register in a particular year with a diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus.

Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus - the number of patients who are registered in the Register at the end of a particular year and who have not been removed from the Register because of death, departure from Latvia, or misdiagnosis.

Type of Diabetes Mellitus - defined according to ICD-10 by International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision.
(E10: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus; E11: Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus; E13: Other Specified Diabetes Mellitus; E14: Unspecified Diabetes Mellitus.)

Patients by statistical regions - patients in statistical regions by declared place of residence. Statistical regions in Latvia: Riga, Pieriga, Vidzeme, Kurzeme, Zemgale, Latgale. The total number of cases in Latvia does not correspond to the sum of the number of cases in the regions, because there are patients with unknown residence.

The total number of cases in Latvia does not correspond to the sum of the number of cases in the regions, because there are patients with unknown residence.

Distribution of patients in age groups - patients are divided into five-year age groups from 0 to 85+ with exception for groups ‘15 to 17’ and ‘18 to 19’.

The type of therapy - the number of patients whose prescribed treatment have been indicated in their diabetic patient's card in a given year. If more than one diabetes patient card for patient has been filled in the Register during the year, the table will include data from the last updated card only.

Proportion of the type of therapy (%) - the proportion of patients with a specific type of diabetes for which specific therapy is prescribed.

Results of clinical tests - number of patients who have had clinical tests in the last 12 months in the particular year. If more than one diabetes patient card for patient has been filled in the Register during the year, the table will include data from the last updated card only.

Percentage of clinical tests’ results (%)- percentage of results groups within particular clinical test. The total number of patients (100%) for a particular clinical test is obtained by summarizing all patients who have had this particular clinical test.

Complications observed due to Diabetes Mellitus - the number of patients who have had complications observed due to diabetes mellitus during past 12 months in a given year. If more than one diabetes patient card for patient has been filled in the Register during the year, the table will include data from the last updated card only.

Proportion of diabetes complications (%) - percentage of complications by diabetes mellitus type.

The proportion of photocoagulation, maculopathy, blindness, different types of retinopathy was calculated on the number of patients who had eye examinations in the last 12 months.
The proportion of Claudiocatio intermittens, ulcers / gangrene, stenting / angioplasty, peripheral neuropathy and lower limb amputations was calculated on the number of patients who had a foot examinations in the last 12 months.
Proportion of kidney complications, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases was calculated on the number of patients whose information had been updated in the Register of Patients with Particular Diseases regarding Patients Diagnosed with Diabetes Mellitus in the particular year.


The Register of Patients Suffering from Certain Diseases, Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

Population register, The Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs

The Database of Causes of Death of Inhabitants of Latvia, The Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia

Number of population, Central Statistical Bureau


Data in Register is collected in online information system.

The register is updated based on information provided by medical treatment institutions. Medical institutions are providing information to the Register once a year by filling out the Register Card of the Patient of Diabetes Mellitus (11.03.2014. Cabinet Regulation No. 134, “Regulations Regarding Unified Electronic Information System of the Health Sector”, Annex 13).

Incidence of mental and behavioural disorders per 100 000 population - number of newly diagnosed patients of Diabetes Mellitus in the Register during the given calendar year calculated per 100 000 population

Incidence of mental and behavioural disorders per 100 000 population=number of newly diagnosed patients of Diabetes Mellitus in the Register during the given calendar year/ Mean population per year*100 000


Prevalence of mental and behavioural disorders per 100 000 population - number of patients who are included in Register at the end of the year calculated per 100 000 population.

Prevalence of mental and behavioural disorders per 100 000 population=number of patients who are included in Register at the end of the year/number of population at the end of the year *100000

Percentage of patients within particular clinical test=number of patients in particular clinical test result group / number of patients who have had this particular clinical test *100


Health Statistics Database Link

Statistical Yearbook of Health Care in Latvia (2008-2018) Link


The Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia


Anita Maurina

Head of the Register Supervison Unit

Phone Number: +371 67387665


Creation date of metadata: 02.09.2019.