Data about breastfeeding


Number of registered children - the number of children under care (under a family doctor, a pediatrician) under one year of age in a given year.

Exclusive breastfeeding means that the infant receives only breast milk. No other liquids or solids are given – not even water – with the exception of oral rehydration solution, or drops/syrups of vitamins, minerals or medicines.

Statistical region - data about registered children in healt care institutions and breastffeding data are classified by region of the healthcare institution according Cabinet of Ministers Order No. 271 “On statistical regions of the Republic of Latvia and their administrative units”


Until 2017 State Statistical Report “Report on the state of health of children”,
since 2018 " Report regarding activities of health care establishments", Center for Disease Prevention and Control


Data about breastffeding according data from National Statistical Report " Report regarding activities of health care establishments", Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 720 “Rules on standard forms for official statistics in the field of health care'' Annex 1 “Report regarding activities of health care establishments”.

Information is submitted by primary health care institutions (family doctors practices, pediatricians practices) where have registered children to provide care.

Registered number of breast-fed infants by age range (6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months), by type of feeding (total, exclusive breastfeeding) / total number of children under 1 year * 100


Statistical Yearbook of Health Care in Latvia Link


The Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia


Janis Misins

Head of the Health Statistics Unit

Phone Number: +371 67501582


Creation date of metadata: 02.09.2019.