Newly registered and all registered patients during the year


Number of new registered (treated) patients - number of patients who have a treatment episode registered with drug-related diagnosis for the first time in life in the reference year (F10-F16.0-9; F17.0-3; F18-F19.0-9; according to the ICD-10 classification). Dividing by diagnosis-related groups, the first registered diagnosis during the year in an outpatient or inpatient treatment episode is taken into account.

Number of all patients treated during the year – number of patients who have had a treatment episode with a drug-related diagnosis in the reference year (F10-F16.0-9; F17.0-3; F18–F19.0-9, according to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision. In case a patient has had several treatment episodes with different drug-related diagnoses during the year, the first registered diagnosis in an outpatient or inpatient treatment episode is taken into account. The number of patients is counted, not the number of diagnosis registered for each patient. This indicator is available from 2013.

Number of all treated patients during the year by primary used drug - number of patients who have had a treatment episode registered with drug-related diagnosis in the reference year (F10-F16.0-9; F17.0-3; F18-F19.0-9; according to the ICD-10 classification) and whom the specific substance is indicated as a primary drug, due to which the treatment episode has initiated. The primary drug is the drug that leads to the most serious problems (health, mental, social problems, etc.) for the client and which is the main reason the client has entered treatment. The first registered diagnosis is taken into account. This indicator is available from 2013.

ICD-10 code – diagnosis of a substance use disorder for treated patients are coded according to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision Revision (ICD-10). Data are collected about patients who have started a treatment episode with diagnosis codes F10-F19 (mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance use).

Distribution of patients by regions of Latvia– patients are distributed by statistical regions in Latvia considering the patient's declared place of residence.


The Register of Patients with Particular Diseases regarding Patients who have Mental and Behavioural Disorders due to Psychoactive Substance use

Population register, The Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs

The Database of Causes of Death of Inhabitants of Latvia, The Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia

Number of population, Central Statistical Bureau


The register is being updated based on information provided by medical treatment institutions. The information from the medical treatment institutions is being provided to the Register by filling out the Register card for patients with mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance use and the evaluation of the treatment outcome for the patient

Number of patients registered in the Register for the first time per 100,000 population=Number of patients registered in the Register for the first time in the reference year/ Average number of Latvian population in the reference year * 100 000

Number of patients registered in the Register during the year per 100,000 population =Number of patients registered in the Register during the reference year/ Average number of Latvian population in the reference year * 100 000

For information!In accordance with the amendments to 15.09.2008. Cabinet Regulation No. 746, “Procedures for Developing, Supplementing and Maintaining Register of Patients with Certain Diseases”, from January 1st, 2013 the Patient Registration Card for patients with mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance use has been modified, therefore the methodology for data collection, content and amount of the information received has changed. This has to be taken into account comparing data with previous years.


Health Statistics Database Link

Statistical Yearbook of Health Care in Latvia (2008-2018) Link


The Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia


Anita Maurina

Head of the Register Supervison Unit

Phone Number: +371 67387665


Last updated: 12.07.2024.