Malignant neoplasms


ICD-10 code - the register contains information patients diagnosed with codes C00-C97 according to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision.(ICD-10).

New cases of malignant neoplasms – number of patients who have a new oncology diagnosis recorded in a given year (C00-C97) according to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision.(ICD-10)
One patient can be registered several times.

New cases of malignant neoplasms per 100 000 inhabitants (incidence) – number of patients who have a new oncology diagnosis recorded in a given year (C00-C97 according to the 10th revision of International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10)), dividing by average number of Latvian inhabitants in the reference year. Diagnoses C51-C52, C53, C54-C55, C56 are count per 100,000 women, but diagnoses C61 and C62 per 100,000 men.

New cases of malignant neoplasms per 100 000 inhabitants = number of new cases registered in the Register for the first time in the reference year/average number of Latvian inhabitants in the reference year * 100,000

Prevalence of malignant neoplasms – cumulative number of alive patients with an oncology diagnosis at the end of the year not including those migrated from Latvia or recovered (bazalioma). In 2015 and 2016, the reduction in patient number is because historically recorded patients with incorrect/incomplete personal codes have been removed from the Register.

Prevalence of malignant neoplasms per 100 000 inhabitants – cumulative number of alive patients with an oncology diagnosis at the end of the year, dividing by number of Latvian inhabitants at the end of the year in the reference year. Diagnoses C51-C52, C53, C54-C55, C56 are count per 100,000 women, but diagnoses C61 and C62 per 100,000 men.

Prevalence of malignant neoplasms per 100 000 inhabitants = cumulative number of cases at the end of the year/number of Latvian inhabitants at the end of the year * 100,000

Distribution of patients by statistical regions of Latvia – patients are distributed by statistical regions in Latvia considering the patient's declared place of residence. Declared residences of patients are distributed by statistical regions according to Cabinet Regulation No. 911 (07.12.2021.) “About statistical regions and administrative units of the Republic of Latvia”.
The total number of cases in Latvia does not correspond to the sum of the number of cases in the regions, because there are patients with unknown residence.

Age groups – patients are divided into five-year age groups from 0 to 85+ with exception for groups ‘15 to 17’ and ‘18 to 19’.

Number and percentage distrubution of malignant neoplasms by stage – newly reported cases of malignancy, not including those taken after death, divided by tumor locales and disease stages at the time of diagnosis. Only diagnoses with TNM classification (C00-C69, C73-C80) are included.
In 2017, for gynecologic tumors (C51-C52, C53, C54-C55 and C56), the disease stage has been determined according to the TNM classification or FIGO classification of gynecologic tumors.
For some diagnoses, the proportion of stages may not reach 100%, as there are cases with stage 0 in the Register.

Case-fatality rate (%) during the first year after malignant neoplasm diagnosis - the number of deaths during the first year after malignant neoplasm divided by number of registered cases with malignant neoplasm per year, not including those taken after death.

5-years-survival rate (%) after diagnosis of malignant neoplasm – number of cases with malignant neoplasm survived 5 years and over divided by number of registered cases with malignant neoplasm per year, not including those taken after death.


The Register of Patients with Particular Diseases regarding Patients with oncological diseases, The Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia

Population register, The Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs

The Database of Causes of Death of Inhabitants of Latvia, The Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia

Number of population, Central Statistical Bureau


The register is being updated based on information provided by medical treatment institutions. The information from the medical treatment institutions is being provided to the Register by filling out the Oncological Patient's Registration Form and Registration Form of the Treatment of an Oncological Patient


Statistical Yearbook of Health Care in Latvia Link


The Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia


Anita Maurina

Head of the Register Supervison Unit

Phone Number: +371 67387665


Creation date of metadata: 02.09.2019.