Work in hospital auxiliary rooms and diagnostic radiology work in all hospitals per 1 in-patient


Number of laboratory tests per inpatient patient - the total number of laboratory tests performed divided by number of inpatient patients (discharged + transferred to another hospital + deceased).

The number of physical medical procedures (based on the use of various physical factors in the treatment process as magnetotherapy, darsonvaluation, light therapy, presotherapy, etc.) per inpatient patient - the the total number inpatient physical medical procedures performed divided by number of inpatient patients (discharged + transferred to another inpatient + deceased).

Functional diagnostics (including echo, ultrasonography, sonoscopy, ECG, holter, veloergonometry, etc.) per inpatient patient - the total number of an in-patient functional diagnostic examination performed divided by number of inpatient patients (discharged + transferred to another inpatient + deceased).

Number of radiological examinations (including radiographic, computed tomography, angiographic examinations, number of ultrasound examinations, number of examinations with nuclear magnetic resonance apparatus, number of examinations with radionuclide apparatus) per one inpatient patient - the total number of radiological examinations performed divided by number of inpatient patients (discharged + transferred to another inpatient + deceased).

X-ray, computed tomography, angiography, number of ultrasound examinations, number of nuclear magnetic resonance examinations, number of radionuclide examinations per inpatient patient - the total number of examinations performed by these devices divided by number of inpatient patients (discharged + transferred to another inpatient + deceased).


A form “Information about an overview of diagnostic radiology work and hospital work included in Official Program of Statistics”.


The information shall be provided once a year by the hospital and other institutions where radiology work is taking place.

A form “Information about hospital work and other institutions where radiology work is taking place included in Official program of statistics” is submitted according to the Official Program of Statistics 2018-2020.


Statistical Yearbook of Health Care in Latvia Link


The Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia


Janis Misins

Head of the Health Statistics Unit

Phone Number: +371 67501582


Creation date of metadata: 02.09.2019.