Indicators of in-patient medical care


Discharge – is the conclusion of a period of inpatient care, whether the patient returned to his home, was transferred to another inpatient facility or died.

The number of discharge excludes:
    - a transfer from one department to another one at the same hospital,
    - day treatment cases of day patients,
    - weekend leave when the patient has been released temporarily and the hospital bed is still reserved,
    - cases where treatment is provided by hospital personnel at the patients home,
    - healthy newborns.

Diagnosis - a disease that is detected after examination and which mainly determines patients' admission to hospital care. In the case of death, the cause of death is to be tracked, if an autopsy was performed, the conclusion of the pathologist.

ICD-10 code – diagnosis for treated patients are coded according to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision.

In-patients - patients discharged from the hospital (excluding transferred patients) and dead in hospital.

Number of in-patients (both discharged and dead) by age per 1000 population – the number of in-patients of the particular age, divided by the population of the respective age at average of the particular year and multiplied by 1000.

Breakdown of in-patients (both discharged and died) by age (%) - is number of in-patients in a year, calculated as percentage of a defined patient group by age with a certain disease.

A bed day – is a day during which a person is confined to a hospital bed and which the patient stays overnight in a hospital.

Length of stay (days) from the hospital discharged in-patients by age per 1000 populations – length of stay (days) from the hospital discharged of the particular age, divided by the population of the respective age at average of the particular year and multiplied by 1000.

Length of stay (LOS) – the number of calendar days that elapse between an in-patient admission to a hospital and discharge from that facility. If these are same dates, then LOS is set to one day. The day of admission and the day of discharge is counted as one day.

Average length of stay (ALOS) – total number of occupied hospital bed–days divided by the total number of discharges (without deceased and transferred to another hospital).

Case fatality rate – is number of deceased in a certain period of time, calculated as percentage of a defined patient group (with a certain disease, after operation, all hospitalized patients etc.)

Surgical operation – invasive procedure, performed under general or local anesthesia by a medical doctor.

In-patients surgical operations – all surgical operations performed for in-patients, excluding those admitted at the day-hospitals.

Statistical region – data are classified by region of the healthcare institution according Cabinet of Ministers Order No. 271 “On statistical regions of the Republic of Latvia and their administrative units"


A form “Information about hospital work included in Official Program of Statistics”.


Source of information:

The information shall be provided once a year by the hospital institutions.

A form “Information about hospital work included in Official program of statistics” is submitted according to the Official Program of Statistics 2018-2020.


Statistical Yearbook of Health Care in Latvia Link


The Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia


Janis Misins

Head of the Health Statistics Unit

Phone Number: +371 67501582


Creation date of metadata: 02.09.2019.