1. STAC010.Indicators of Hospital work

    Select part: Download: Modified: 24.10.2023.

    1. Year: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, ..., 2022 (12)
    2. ICD-10 code, (Diagnosis): A00-T98 (TOTAL), U00-U85, ..A00-B99 (Infectious and parasitic diseases), ....A00-A09 (intestinal infectious diseases), ....A15-A16 (tuberculosis of respiratory organs), ..., ….Covid-19 (U071, U07.2) (86)
    4. Age group: Total, 0-17, 0-14, Infant, ..., 60+ (10)

  2. STAC015. In-patient trated patients by region and age

    Select part: Download: Modified: 24.10.2023.

    1. Year: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, ..., 2022 (12)
    2. Region: LATVIA, Rīga region, Pierīga region, Vidzeme region, ..., Latgale region (7)
    3. Indicator: Number of in-patients, Number of in-patients per 1000 populations, (2)
    4. Age group: Total, 0-17, 0-14, Infant, ..., 60+ (10)

  3. STAC016. Number of patients with mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance use in hospitals

    Select part: Download: Modified: 28.09.2023.

    1. Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2022 (14)
    2. ICD-10 codes, diagnosis related group: F10-F16.0-9; F17.0,1,2,3; F18-F19.0-9 (total), F10.4-9 (Alcohol-induced psychosis and other, unspecified mental and behavioural disorders), F10.0,1 (Acute intoxication of alcohol and harmful use), F10.2,3 (Alcohol dependence), ..., F63.0 (Gambling/video game addiction) (25)
    3. Status: discharged - total, discharged - males, discharged - females, discharged - boys (0-17 years included), ..., patient spent time in hospital (bed-days) - females (9)

  4. STAC017. Number of patients with mental and behavioural disorders in hospitals

    Select part: Download: Modified: 28.09.2023.

    1. Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2022 (14)
    2. ICD-10 code, diagnosis: F00 - F09 (Organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders), ..F00 - F03 (Dementia), ....F02.8 + G40 (Dementia with epilepsy), ..F04 - F06.2, F06.8 (Psychosis), ..., Total F00-F09; F20-F98, not included F63.0 (Mental and behavioural disorders) (48)
    3. Indicator: Number of in-patients at the beginning of the year, Number of admissions, ..Number of admissions: male, age roup 0-14 years, ..Number of admissions: female, age roup 0-14 years, ..., Number of female who continue treatment for more than 12 months (22)

  5. STAC020.Work in hospital auxiliary rooms and diagnostic radiology work in all hospitals per 1 in -patient

    Select part: Download: Modified: 20.10.2023.

    1. Year: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, ..., 2022 (13)
    2. Region: LATVIA, Rīga region, Pierīga region, Vidzeme region, ..., Latgale region (7)
    3. Indicator: Number of laboratory tests, Number of procedures of physical medicine, Number of functional diagnostics tests, Number of radiological examinations, ..., Number of examinations with radio-nuclear equipment (10)

  6. STAC030.Surgical work by type of operation in all hospitals

    Select part: Download: Modified: 01.07.2020.

    1. Operations: Operations, total, ..Operations on the nervous system, ....operations of the brain, ....operations of the peripheral nervous system, ..., ..Other operations (38)
    2. Indicator: Number of surgical operations, Number of surgical operations per 100,000 population, Breakdown of surgical operations, %, Number of operated patients, ..., Case fatality rate of operated patients,% (6)
    3. Year: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, ..., 2019 (9)

  7. STAC035.Surgical procedures (according to Commission Regulation (EU) 2022/2294) in all hospitals

    Select part: Download: Modified: 06.03.2025.

    1. Operations: Cataract surgery, Tonsillectomy, Transluminal coronary angioplasty, Coronary artery bypass graft, ..., Total mastectomy (20)
    2. Indicator: Number of surgical operations, (1)
    3. Year: 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, (4)

  8. STAC040. Indicators of surgical work by region in all hospital

    Select part: Download: Modified: 01.07.2020.

    1. Indicator: Surgical operations in hospitals (incl.abortions), Surgical operations in hospitals (excl.abortions), Surgical operations in hospitals (incl.abortions) per 100 000 population, Surgical operations in hospitals (excl.abortions) per 100 000 population, ..., Case fatality rate of non-operated patients due to pancreatitis (30)
    2. Year: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, ..., 2019 (9)
    3. Region: LATVIJA, Rīga region, Pierīga region, Vidzeme region, ..., Latgale region (7)

  9. STAC050. Indicators of utilisation of hospital beds by bed's profile

    Select part: Download: Modified: 26.09.2024.

    1. Year: 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, ..., 2023 (13)
    2. Code and title of the bed profile: Total, 1 General, 2 Therapeutical, 3 Cardiology-adults, ..., Total + 79 Short-term social care (83)
    3. Indicator: Average number of hospital beds (per period), Number of patients at the beginning of the reference period, Number of admitted patients - total, Number of patients transferred from other ward, ..., Bed turnover (times per period) (15)

  10. STAC060. Indicators of hospital beds utilisation in hospitals by region

    Select part: Download: Modified: 26.09.2024.

    1. Year: 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, ..., 2023 (15)
    2. Region: LATVIA, Riga statistical region (from 01.01.2024.), Riga statistical region (Riga) (before 01.01.2024.), Pieriga statistical region (before 01.01.2024.), ..., Riga (11)
    3. Hospital by ownership: All hospitals, Under the Ministry of Health, In hospitals of local authorities, In private hospitals, (4)
    4. Indicator: Average number of hospital beds, Number of admissions, Total number of bed-days, Number of average hospital beds per per 10,000 population, ..., Utilised capacity of beds, % (9)

  11. STAC070.Beds by bed's profile, indicators

    Select part: Download: Modified: 26.09.2024.

    1. Year: 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, ..., 2023 (14)
    2. Type of authority: In all hospitals, In institutions of Ministry of Health, In institutions of local authorities, In private institutions, (4)
    3. Bed profiles: Total - all profiles, Total acute care profiles, Internal medicine, Surgery adults, ..., Excluding:Short-term social care (17)
    4. Indicator: Average number of hospital beds, Hospital beds average per year per 10,000 population, Average bed-days per 1 patient (days), Bed turnover (times per period), ..., Utilised capacity of beds, % (6)

  12. VAK010. 30 day mortality following admission to hospital

    Select part: Download: Modified: 31.01.2025.

    1. Health care institution: Latvia total, Clinical University hospitals (level V), ..Paula Stradiņa klīniskā universitātes slimnīca, ..Rīgas Austrumu klīniskā universitātes slimnīca, ..., ..Saldus medicīnas centrs (34)
    2. Year: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, ..., 2023 (7)
    3. Indicator: Admission based AMI 30 day in-hospital (same hospital) mortality, Patient based AMI 30 day (in hospital and out of hospital) mortality, Admission based ischemic stroke 30 day in-hospital (same hospital) mortality, Patient based ischemic stroke 30 day (in hospital and out of hospital) mortality, ..., Perioperative 30 day mortality rate (7)